25th of mars it is Earth Hour, One of the worlds biggest sustainability manifistations. The telecom oprartor 3 made a very nice blog post on it’s site about “thinking sustainability” during the Earth Hour and especiallay don’t turn your mobile off. Your mobile is the perfect tool to engage and tell the world to do right. Three made this obvious…
Finalist in open stockholm awards
Watt-s have with the service “sun4You” made it to the big Final of Open Stockholm Awards where 6 finalists are compeeting on how to make “A climate-smart Stockholm” criterias are a. Sustainable construction and housing b. Ease to live environmentally friendly c. Climate-friendly transportation d. A clean and beautiful urban environment The service we created during the IoT4real hackathon is…
Watt-s IoT4Real Smart City Sprint Hack Winner!
On the 22nd Watt-s teamed together with Evothings and HD-wireless on Smart City Sprint Hack på Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centret. We connected the ideas with the service from watt-s.se and @HD-wireless socket and an app from Evothings. By using Stockholm Opendata we could make citizens get better contact with the solar panels the watt-s way.
Inauguration of our Uppsala site
On the 10th of June we had the official opening of the installation in Uppsala, the first one of many.
The weather weren’t very kind to us but we named the facility “IRMA” which was the Swedish “name day” when we connected it to the grid
Please tip us about a great buildings that we could have more installations of solarcells on
Mothers day in Sweden
Today it’s mothersday in Sweden. This day differs from country to country we from Watt-s would like to highlight the possibility to give your mother a nice sustainable gift in the form of Solarcells. We have just created a nice giftcard that can be given away to friends and family. Jump in to the shop and buy one If you…
The panels is on the roof!
The solarpanels on Björkgatan in Uppsala is now being installed. We had a bit of a delay in the transportation but today we got them onsite and we are quickly installing them in perfect weather!