Giftcard registration


You are very close to producing solar energy.

The giftcard code is a coupon so you will “buy” your watt-s for freee.

you can you can read more on our installations here before you start.

(1) First you need to create an account and then login with the username/password you choose

If you already have an account, login here

If you already are logged in your name should be shown here:

New User Registration
*Required field

(2) second Click on one picture below to choose your site and amount of watt-s (your giftcard states the number of watt-s), Your cart will be updated with the chosen items.


3W on the site in Uppsala

3W on the site pimpstensvägen

3W on the site in Lynäs


4W on the site in Uppsala

4W on the site pimpstensvägen

4W on the site in Lynäs


6W on the site in Uppsala

6W on the site Pimpstensvägen

6W on the site in Lynäs

(3) Third Put your giftcard coupon code “XW-XXXXXXX” in the coupon field. Click on “apply coupon”. The cost is reduced to zero.

[wp-members status=”in”]
Remove item Thumbnail image Product Price Quantity Subtotal
× 1 watt solar panel - Sweden:Uppsala:Björkgatan kr25.00

Cart totals

Subtotal kr75.00
Total kr75.00 (includes kr15.00 Moms)

(4) fourth Proceed to Checkout and feel free to add address etc. Thank you very much