Watt-s makes solar energy accessable to everyone!

Give away sun!
Our planet needs our support - we need to produce more renewable energy. Watt-s make it easy for you to contribute to solar energy production.

Give away solar to a friend and make them a solar producer at the cost of only €6. Help us finance new solar installations and change the energy production system - together we can make a difference watt by watt!

Watt-s in 4 simple steps

  • Step 1: Solar panels are installed on roofs.


  • Step 2: You buy a small part of the solar installation: Watt-s.


  • Step 3: You buying Watt-s finance new sites that produce lots of solar energy!


  • Step 4: Together we contribute to a more ecofriendly world!



  • Mia Marie Nordström, Vattenfall

    I bought the solar service from Watt-s just because it was so simple.

    I think everyone would like to buy som solar power when you need. To buy just one or two Watt-s enables everybody to participate in the energy transformation to 100% sustainable energy system. Watt-s is quick and easy quite genius idea really.

    I bought some Watt for my daughters mobile in the same go.

  • Mari-Louise Persson, Riksbyggen

    I bought from watt-s because it is a completely new way of thinking about compensation, and it makes it easier for the one’s in apartments, that don’t have their own roof, to invest in some solarcells – and also for the ones that provides their roofs where the panels is in stalled.

    It is important that vi all take shares in helping the transformation of our society by taking small steps in different areas, such as more ecological better recycling and smarter energy usage, we continue to move in the right direction.

    With Watt-s you go one step further to make sure there is more solarcells installed on our roofs.

  • Stefan Henningsson, WWF

    I bought solar cells for my mobile from Watt-s because I think it must be easy for everybody to join the train- and that is already shown by the Watt-s businessmodell. It is very important that we all can take our respnsability to get more solarcells on our unused roofs to be able to shutdown all the current non renewable energy production in Sweden and globally.

Watt-s vision

Watt-s is a a service that makes solar energy production accessible to everyone. If we all make a small contribution, our common effort will lead to great results. Solar cells is also easily understandable – that is why solar cells as a service is what Watt-s offer.

Instead of buying your own solar panel producing 3360 W for €6990, Watt-s makes it possible for you to give someone you fancy 3W for €6!

If everyone compensated for their electric gadgets with a couple of watt solar cells, this would make a huge difference. Watt-s put small decisions together in big installations where everyone can contribute to the transformation of the energy system.

Science also show that when you get in direct contact with solar cells your priorities change and you get more engaged in environmental issues to the benefit of the whole society. This is the ultimate goal of Watt-s, with small steps create a big change in the society.


  • Together with the building owner Ihus AB we are installing in Uppsala. It is a medium sized site with 31 500 Watt peak. We will be sharing 30 000 Watt-s. The building is situated very close to city centre along one of the main roads. I-Hus has a goal to increase the amount of solar energy on their buildings and this is a perfect way for to quickly add more solar energy and to have a closer connection to all the private persons having a share in the facility.

    We are today 10th of June having the grand opening of the facility.

    Here is a link to I-Hus solarenergy portal (swedish)

    Status Value Comment
    Site Uppsala Situated along one of the main roads in central uppsala
    Power 31 500W Number of Watt-s
    Size 360 m2 Thats about one third of the roof
    Planned May 2016 Installed

  • We are partnering with Folke Andersson Fastigheter to setup this site in Uppsala Sweden. It will be a Solaredge installation done by Save by solar Swedish firm that we collaborate with to do our installations.

    Status Value
    Site Uppsala Situated in the industrial part of Boländerna
    Power 40 000W Planned numner of Watt-s
    Size 450m2 Thats about one third of the roof
    Planned Mars 2016 Agreement not signed yet
  • This was Watt-s installation number two

    It is done on the villa roof of our founder Joachim Lindborg.

    It’s a Solaredge installation situated in uppsala Sweden with 2300Watt-s and was installed oktober 2015.

    Status Value
    Site Uppsala Outside Uppsala in a suburb called Herrhagen
    Effekt 2300W It’s a fairly small villa installation
    Yta 16m2 Consists of 8 panels
    Installation Oktober 2014 Online

  • This is the first installation done in cooperation with Watt-s. It’s mounted at a summer house along the coastline nearby Söderhamn Sweden. It is combined of different Swedish solar panels from Swemodule and a German inverter from SMA solar

    The installed power is 1700 Watt-s and has been in operation since spring 2014.

    Status Value
    Site Lynäs Along the Swedish coast line outside Söderhamn
    Effekt 1700W Ground mounted small installtaion
    Yta 16m2 8 panels
    Running Spring 2014 Agreements signed

Give away solar

We divide each solar panel into its smallest component (Watt) and make it possible to buy one at a time. The idea is that we all together finance new installations, when one new site is financed then the solar panels will be installed and the energy starts to be produced. To get a head start we already have solar installations – that you can buy a part of already.

The way the energy system works – there has to be a balance between production and usage of energy. When you buy a Watt you therefore are taking active part in the transformation of the energy system globally. For each solar Watt we install for you, there is one less watt produced by polluting energy systems.

Buy Watt-s to a friend, colleague or relative and contribute to a more ecofriendly environment!